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Packfeeder and the new global packaging scene

A few months ago, no one would have thought that there would be a “new normality” and that at present we would be used to it. Our habits have changed, we are guided by new rules and we are all more aware of our actions’ impact. Now, is everyone’s responsibility to try to make this situation last as minimum as possible.

A few months ago, no one would have thought that there would be a “new normality” and that at present we would be used to it. Our habits have changed, we are guided by new rules and we are all more aware of our actions’ impact. Now, is everyone’s responsibility to try to make this situation last as minimum as possible.

First of all, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have helped in one way or another despite the obstacles that have arisen every day. We know that it has been a complicated and, above all, unknown situation.

In Packfeeder we haven’t stopped to continue providing our services, especially to the companies with activities that, like us, have been considered essential. Many of our clients are dedicated to the pharmaceutical, chemical, home care and food industry, so essential at this time. They haven’t stopped trying to ensure that is not missing anything to the population. And we have made an effort to be able to provide the urgent and necessary solutions that in each case have been required of us. Always in order to guarantee the supply and quality of the packaged products.

Besides, it is in these situations when you have to give your best and try to help as much as possible. For this reason, it has also been a pride to see how some of our clients have modified and continue modifying their production lines. To be more useful to society, many of them have increased their production and have even changed their product or sector.

One of the most important challenges has been integrating the needed safety and hygiene measures. It has not been easy to adapt while maintaining the maximum guarantees and the best conditions in an industrial environment that, originally, had not been designed for this scenario.

Our actions have focused mainly on providing equipment to pack disinfectant, personal hygiene, cleaning products… and the outputs and characteristics necessary for this. For example, the hydroalcoholic gels are flammable, so it is required a bottle unscramblers with ATEX guarantee. Also, now is when we have taken advantage of the remote assistance that all of our equipment’s include. It has never been so necessary being able to quickly and remotely solve the problems that may arise in our customers’ lines.

The supplied equipment’s, and the ones we continue supplying, have national and international implementations as the needs exist on a global level and we can cover them thanks to our worldwide network. In addition, we currently have the capacity and resources to continue responding to urgent needs. We have pieces of equipment in stock, served in exceptionally short delivery times.