/ Services / We are here to care

We are here to care


Fast means that we meet our customers' expectations with fast support. We stand for what we do. We like quick responses and communication. Yes, we also have a request form on our website, but you can also call us if needed. To understand how fast we should be for which services, our customer service team meets our customers before going life of each project.


Customer needs are our priority, so we want to understand them to provide the right and best service. If this is clear, we agree in advance on what we will do, when we will do it, and how we will do it. We are convinced that this way of working helps us to achieve our goals.


Reliable service throughout the life of your Rotzinger Group equipment. With first-class spare parts and qualified service technicians. Or we can even go one step further and help you extend the life of your equipment by offering retrofits, upgrades, and optimization of your equipment with our latest innovations.

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